I was inspired by this post about a family who went a whole year without buying anything from a grocery store. That kind of self-sufficiency and ingenuity has always appealed to me, especially when I farmed for a few years and realized just how much of your own food can be grown on a small amount of land.
You can read their story here:
This summer I would like to take the challenge: for three months, June-August, I want to see if I can gather the food our family needs from only farmer's markets and local farms.
I will be cheating some, however, since I already have a freezer of meat and a full pantry of staples. But hey, that means there really should not be any reason I can't succeed at my goal of three months without the convenience of the grocery store!
This will also be a challenge as my husband starts a local job, which means the quantity of food I will need to have on hand will be greater than it has been for two years. Plus feeding picky toddlers when apples are not in season.
I'm excited though!
My idea is that although farmer's markets and such are not necessarily the cheapest way to buy food, our family will benefit by the fresh, organic, in season, unprocessed food and I will have to learn to do without (hey, we are out of popcorn? guess it is roasted almonds for a snack!), improvise, and limited grocery store visits will reduce overall spending and impulse buys. We will have to see if I am right!
Stay tuned at the start of June, where I will start posting weekly statuses and photos of the week's food gathering successes!