There is hardly time to sit around here, spring has sprung and we have countless small and large projects all clamoring for attention.
Using salvaged brick to edge an area of landscaping...
The garden area is showing signs of progress! We moved the black plastic to the last area of sod needing to be killed, and neighbors helped out with their skid steer to spread a pile of topsoil over the area. Compost arrives next week.
Cows are out on pasture... idyllic sight.
The not-so-fun discovery of the week is a whole bunch of tansy ragwort growing in the 8 acre hay field, due to the soil disturbance when the previous owners spread excavation dirt out over the field. This will be a long, slow process of eradication until it is under control, and may change our plans for haying this year. Our methods of pasture restoration will eventually allow for better sward density and will eventually eliminate most of these toxic weeds, but until then it poses a risk for our animals.Cow noses...
It is harder to get these three to all look at the camera at the same time than it is to get a family photo! Aren't they sweet, though?