Well, at least in my case the first one is true... not so much the second.
You see, in spite of my best efforts, I am not a big fan of liver. Not even a little tiny fan. It is the weirdest texture combined with a taste that makes you feel you have a mouth full of dirt.
Anyways, the fact that I adhere in most other regards to the WAPF dietary guidelines makes me ashamed I cannot eat with relish those supposedly lovely, nutrient-rich organ meats.
So imagine my great joy when I discovered a way to get my daily ounce of raw beef or chicken liver from grass-fed animals without ever having to taste (or chew) said substance!
I pulled out the three pounds of beef liver (from our own cow) still lurking in the bottom of our chest freezer, and the bag of chicken livers from our fall batch of pastured broilers. Gorgeously beautiful livers. I am so happy to be able to finally use them :)
Lately I haven't been so good about making sure I am eating enough nutrient dense food to supply myself and Luke with the nourishment we need. I weigh less than I have since junior high and am still nursing a 10 month old who is not yet on many solid foods.
So back to the drawing board we go!
I love diet planning. It is the highlight of my day, sitting down with pen in hand, listing those food items I have available and those I would like to add to my diet, checking and balancing to see if I have a good variety of healthy, whole foods. I tend to enjoy the planning more than the executing, but manageable goals and checklists help keep me engaged.
Here is my plan for the next few months to help boost my body.
A mug of bone broth tea (chicken, at the moment)
Spinach and berry smoothie - added coconut oil, gelatin and pastured egg yolks
Luncheon and Dinner
Beef such as meatloaf, steak, taco salad, spaghetti squash with meat sauce, or chili
Sides - baked kale, steamed broccoli, cauliflower rice, or butternut squash - all with olive oil or butter
Salmon with quinoa and steamed broccoli
Chicken soup with homemade sourdough bread
Sausage with sauerkraut and avocado
Grilled cheese on sourdough bread with kale and applesauce
Afternoon Tea or Dessert
Glass of raw milk or another glass of kefir
I also make sure to liberally include these healthy fats: butter from grass-fed cows, coconut oil, and lard.
I enjoy the primal diet, but feel I have more energy with some grains. The problem is I am trying to heal a couple pesky cavities from nutrient depletion that comes of two back-to-back pregnancies where my diet included a lot of juice, refined carbs and sugar, in spite of my best intentions. So to eat grains or not to eat grains? I will stick to one serving a day, for now, and only properly prepared sourdough or soaked/sprouted, if at all possible.
Progress, not perfection, people!
I grew up eating fairly poorly, though we usually had beef from our own pastured cow and eggs from our own chickens, for which I am thankful. My family had (and still has) a major sweet tooth which plays into my poor teeth. I have come a long ways, considering I am now addicted to fermented milk and green smoothies.
The day I become addicted to liver, I will let you know.
Until then, I will swallow them blissfully untasted!
Sounds yummy! Except the liver, of course but those pills sound like the best way to internalize it. :)